Autism Expressed, Philadelphia

Autism Expressed is a learning platform teaching marketable skills to empower individuals with disabilities like autism.

Benefit Kitchen is a benefit screening and financial literacy tool that provides to-the-dollar eligibility information to low-income families who need help making ends meet.

Credit Do is on a mission to deliver the first debt-free generation and through their Smarter Barter loyalty cash back savings card, they are breaking the cycle of financial exclusion specific to youth’s patterns with credit cards, work opportunity and affordability of college.

eCredable, Alpharetta

eCredable  connects consumers without credit to affordable financial services from mainstream providers.

EveryoneOn aims to eliminate the digital divide by making high-speed, low-cost Internet, computers, and free digital literacy training accessible to all unconnected Americans.


HT Mobile Apps is a FinTech company that creates software to help financial institutions stay relevant and fun.

LaborX, Boston / Oakland

LaborX is the LinkedIn for the LinkedOut, connecting high need populations with living wage jobs.

LearnLux, Boston

LearnLux helps Millennials learn personal finance skills through online learning tools and connects them to the resources they need to take action.


Live It To Learn It combines financial literacy classes with access to relevant financial services through the first ever teen credit union, Money Locker.


New York On Tech is committed to creating pathways into the technology industry for underrepresented students.


Operation Spark rapidly prepares low opportunity individuals for careers in software development through immersive training.

PYT Funds Inc - Pay Your Tuition, Silver Springs, MD

PYT Funds is a debt reduction model for student loans that funds the gap for education at lower interest rates by using predictive data to assess risk.

TechCongress, San Francisco

Building a 21st Century Congress with technology talent, training and ideas.